High Vibrational People | Coaching for family businesses | Inner leadership

Raise your frequency for more success and happiness in life

We help people and teams (re)discover their strengths, individually and collectively, and to use them at full capacity. In business and personal life.

We offer a new approach to sales, leadership and entrepreneurship: bringing back the sparkle in your eyes, the sacred fire, as quickly as possible and igniting it further.


High vibrational leadership

Leadership today

Diaries and mailboxes fill up ever more quickly, while people in the workplace feel emptier than ever. We know, because we’ve been there. After decades of work and life experience, we realised that it all starts with your internal engine. Universal laws determine how you and your team can get more out of yourself and each other.

Why do we pay so much attention to things that don’t serve us?
The solution is not in acting differently, but in raising our internal frequency.
New energy enables different behaviour, with better results.

This is what you’ll get

Just some of the value High Vibrational People brings:

  • Decisive leadership

  • More fun, success and profit

  • Internal leadership, outer results

  • Open, concrete and connecting communication

  • From burn-out and bore-out to strength and energy

  • Going from surviving to thriving

  • Moving on from old destructive patterns

  • Focusing on what matters


For directors and entrepreneurial leaders

What’s your next step? Is it time to reach a new level of possibilities? Are you looking for more of a symbiosis between you and your team? Or do you want to uplift your whole business?

Directors: it’s lonely at the top

Who has the courage to give you feedback? How pro-active is your environment? Who inspires you?
There is no lack of subject-matter knowledge, but there’s often some ground to be gained in self-knowledge. Your focus is on the smooth running of your factory or organisation, but how about the factory within you? It’s often the last thing to get attention. However, if this inner factory (of feelings, emotions and inner chemicals) runs smoothly, that seamlessly flows into your business. In a personal conversation, which is comfortably confrontational, we will quickly determine where you have most to gain. Of course, this can be translated into a tailored approach. But often it’s enough to get a little push or see someone holding up a realistic mirror.

Contact us
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Strengthening family businesses and making them generation-proof

Research continues to show that family businesses have an entirely different dynamic than other businesses and organisations. Long-term thinking, close relationships and shared interests are wonderful core values. Still, family businesses also face unique challenges. As management and coaching experts, we have decades-long experience in and with family businesses. We understand and see the through-lines that elude others. Even the family members and other stakeholders. With our approach aimed at self-knowledge, mutual understanding and the natural laws of connection, we help family businesses reach – and maintain – a state of flow.

Let's grow together

Giving HR managers new tools

As HR specialist, you’ve seen the rise of many new approaches and methods. Still, many HR experts are unaware of the possibilities of nonverbal communication analysis. This moves beyond nonverbal communication. Non-verbal communication analysis sharply highlights the possibilities that are included in our DNA and which arose in our bodies and minds during our upbringing and development. Without exception, our clients feel more positive about their work and life after such an analysis. The videos used in the analysis speak for themselves. This quickly creates willingness in our clients to take the necessary steps in their development. Nonverbal communication analysis is used both in matters of development and selection. We complement the analysis with counselling advice and tools for HR or direct supervisors. Nonverbal communication analysis has also proven a valuable tool for burnout recovery. We show clients where they are leaking energy, and also how they can repair those leaks themselves. That helps people get back to business much quicker.

Want to learn more?
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Sales managers: naturally successful

There is an endless array of sales training approaches, with tricks and dos and don’ts to get more out of a sales journey. But how do you make the most out of your intrinsic characteristics, so selling happens naturally? In sales, it’s all about authenticity, wavelength and frequencies. As long as there’s a mismatch, a situation arises where one person is the top dog and the other the underdog. Often, people don’t realise the impact on a sales conversation if you take either of these roles. With our unique ‘Top Dog/Underdog test’ you will easily and definitively understand where you stand and how you can make gains.

The road to success

Healing mediation

Communicating in all honesty and equality. That’s possible with regular mediation. But... the possibilities go beyond that.
Healing mediation doesn’t just improve communication, but also heals old wounds.

We will teach you how to communicate respectfully and concretely, from a place of connection. In addition, you will be coached to reshape patterns of power and powerlessness to strength. Where needed, we will do a healing intervention which even affects the limbic system in the brain. This removes the emotional filter and opens new ways of looking at things. Our approach saves time and energy.

Want to learn more?
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Want to meet?

We will indicate where your space is in 1 introductory meeting.

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